Monday, June 7, 2010

Thing #1 'Playing Again' getting started

time to play again - I need a refresher, so I'll have to work on refining this blog site. oh well, it's nice to earn staff development hours on my couch on my own schedule.
note to self- do a better job of storing account and/or password info response to the teacher tube video. The roles of teacher and student have changed dramatically. No longer is the teacher the leader and the student follows behind, sponging up information as they trail the teacher. It's almost as if the teacher was dropping bread crumbs as bits and pieces of factoids for the student to retain. Now the teacher walks alongside the student or maybe just observes from a traffic helicopter point of view. The shift of perspective will facilitate students achieving a higher level of cognition than the simple memorization/recall of the breadcrumb era.

1 comment:

  1. Your fish are so cute. When I "set up" my blog, I had a graphic but sometimes it doesn't come up. I'm playing this year but not with Springbranch ISD. Here is my blog.
    I chose to create a new blog instead of using my "23 Things" blog. Margaret
