Friday, July 2, 2010

Thing #6 - iTouch Apps

SOOOOO glad my husband has an iPhone!

I'll have to admit that I've played with his iPhone a bunch. I guess 'played' is the word. Working on this 'Thing #6' opened my eyes, big time!

It was incredible the number of educational apps (and some questionable apps categorized as educational ...) in every subject, every subject. The number of free apps was remarkable, although I'm not sure if the quality of the free vs. for-$ale apps. The ranges of developmental levels was a huge surprise as well. I used to think the Y Gens who gave their toddlers an iPhone to play with were somehow neglectful parents. Actually, it might be the other way around. I've seen little kids at restaurants completely engrossed in an app and never ask a parent for help. If a child is not exposed at an early age to technology, the parents are doing the child a disservice. (What about the economically disadvantaged families who don't have all the techie gadgets? I think I'll save that topic for my closing post...)

1 comment:

  1. One way to give economically disadvantaged students exposure to iPhone Apps is to show them how to use these Apps via iTouches located in the library and with assistance from your librarian. iTouches are iPhones w/o the 'phone' capability.
