Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Thing #8 - ScreenCast

Teachers on my campus are always trying to figure out how to stop the email image auto-display when they receive new email. With Activ Boards in use, there is probably not a student in the room (except for the ones not paying attention LOL) who does not immediately drop their gaze to the bottom of the screen and read the first line or two of the email. This screen-capture 'tutorial' should take care of that....
There are so many opportunities to use this in my class. One of the most repetitive tasks I do is to remind students how to correctly save files to their Norway folders. Computers seem to always 'lose' files. Yah right. I'm going to create a snag-it or screen capture or whatever of the specific 'how-to-save-your-files-to-your-own-Norway-folder' tutorial.
I will have to admit to being a bit confused as to the relationship between Jing, Snag-it, and Screencast. Not sure what the trilogy is all about, but I was able to get the screen capture accomplished, so I must have some sort of a grip on this.

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